The new year is here, and the countdown to our 100th summer has officially begun!
Each month, we’ll be buzzing your inbox with a quick roundup of to-dos, reminders, and tips for new parents. Keep an eye out for Bryn Mawr Buzz and stay in the know as we prepare for Summer 2020! Here are the highlights from the January Buzz:
Everything Camper
Our official camp outfitter is Everything Camper. Whether you’re outfitting your camper for the first time or just replacing a few pieces from last summer, all official camp uniform must be purchased through Everything Camper. Roadshows, where your camper can try on uniform items in person, begin Jan. 31 — you can make a roadshow appointment or order uniform online at
Learn more about the benefits of a camp uniform in this post from our blog archives!

Packing for Camp
Download Your 2020 Camp Packing List »
Please look it over and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Storage space in the cabins is sufficient for the amount of clothing on this list, and we thank you in advance for not overpacking — more “stuff” is hard for campers to keep organized!
Please make sure everything you send to camp is labeled with your camper’s name, including sporting equipment and shoes. Everything Camper does not automatically label all uniform clothing. If you want your daughter’s clothing labeled before it’s shipped to you, please be sure to select that option when placing your uniform order.
Pen Pals
Nobody is better at explaining camp life than campers themselves. That’s why we pair each new camper with a returning Bryn Mawr Angel as a pre-camp pen pal! In the coming weeks, we’ll be reaching out to some of our returning campers to ask you to participate in the pen pal program. Thank you for living the Angel Code value of Comradeship by being good friends to our newest Angels before the summer even starts! New campers, you should expect to hear from your pen pal sometime next month. If you haven’t received a letter by the end of February, please contact the winter office.
Bunk One Weekend
This year’s March Meeting will be held March 7-8 at camp. Super Cabin One parents (girls entering 10th grade), be on the lookout for a separate mailing with details about this special weekend.
New Parent Tip
In addition to her uniform clothes, we recommend sending your daughter to camp with two to three non-uniform all-green and all-gold/yellow outfits that she can wear on spirit days and during Color War.