Dates, Fees & FAQs

2025 Dates

Opening Day:
Wednesday, June 25th
Visiting Day:
Saturday, July 19th
Closing Day:
Sunday, August 10th

2025 Tuition

Full Season Tuition:

Enroll Online



Spending Allowance: $450
Senior Camp Trips (7th – 10th Grades): Overnight trip programs additional.


Frequently Asked Questions

Questions from Parents

What if my daughter gets homesick?

It’s perfectly natural for your daughter to miss you while she’s at camp. Even some of our senior campers and staff get homesick sometimes! The important thing for you to remember is that we have a loving and empathetic staff who will take care of your daughter and make sure she gets all the care she needs.

Will my daughter call me?

Your daughter will have two scheduled phone calls home during the summer. We will send you a phone call schedule this spring. Special arrangements will be made for campers with divorced or separated parents, or parents who are traveling outside the U.S.

When will my daughter write home?

We encourage all campers to write home at least three times a week. For junior campers, we recommend you pre-address and stamp envelopes for her. The mail is slow the first week, so please be patient—your daughter is writing!

Can I send a care package to camp?

Camp is the best gift you can give your daughter this summer, and we’ve found that allowing care packages creates an unhealthy sense of competition within the cabin. We can provide any incidentals your daughter may need (hairbrush, earrings, dental floss), and if there’s anything beyond that you should speak with the Parent Liaison to arrange it. Unauthorized packages will be held in the office until Visiting Day or the end of camp.

Can I email or fax letters?

You can e-mail your camper any time you wish through the camp website—we’ll send you information in the spring about our “E-Mail My Angel” program. We download, print and deliver e-mails daily. Unfortunately, our phone lines at camp don’t allow us to receive a high volume of faxes, so we cannot accept faxes for campers.

How often will she shower?

Campers shower every evening before dinner.

How often will her laundry be done?

Camp laundry is done twice a week, with additional “special wash” for bathrobes, swimsuits and leotards.

Will she need any extra money?

Movie tickets, theme park admissions and other trip costs are covered in your daughter’s spending allowance and trip fees. She will want some extra money for souvenirs. Information on how to set up a camper bank account will be sent to you in the spring.

What if she gets sick or injured?

We have a full-time nursing staff and camp doctor on campus at all times. Most illnesses and minor injuries can be treated without any problem in our health center; for further attention, campers can be taken to Wayne Memorial Hospital, a scant five miles down the road.

How will she take her medicine?

All camper and staff medications are dispensed by the nurses in our health center.

Does she really need everything on the packing list?

Yes, but that’s all she needs. Remember, we do laundry twice a week, so you don’t need to worry about sending extra clothing. And keep in mind that she’ll be coming home with a summer’s worth of art projects, letters and souvenirs packed into those duffels!

How do you make cabin assignments?

Your daughter will live in a cabin with a group of new and returning campers from a variety of cities and states. If your daughter has a friend at camp with whom she would like to bunk, we will try to honor that request. Cabin groups change each summer to allow campers to make friends with all the girls in each age group.

How can I communicate with camp during the summer?

If you need to reschedule a phone call, discuss a travel itinerary, send a left-behind item, register your daughter for extra tennis or riding, or for general inquiries, please contact our Parent Liaison, who will either take care of your requests or channel them to the person on camp who can. For specific information or concerns about your daughter, ask for her Division Head, Jane or Dan. Please keep in mind that we are out on camp during the day interacting with the campers, so often we will not be in the office when you call. We check our mailboxes constantly, though, and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Questions from Campers

What is the first day of camp like?
Maybe a little nervous at first… but then fun and exciting! When you get off the bus at camp you’ll be greeted by your new counselors and Group Leader. We have a special early dinner and then our first all-camp evening activity of the summer, where you’ll get to meet all the program staff and camp leaders who will help make your summer great. We’ll introduce Bunk One, the oldest girls in camp, who will talk about what makes Bryn Mawr so special and lead us all in the camp Alma Mater. Then it’s a bedtime snack and back to the cabin to rest up for the next day at camp!
Who makes my bed?
Everyone at Bryn Mawr makes her own bed. Don’t worry—your counselors and bunkmates are there if you need help.
Do I have to clean the bunk?
Yes, but not all by yourself! It takes teamwork to keep your cabin neat. Every day you will be responsible for picking up your own area, and then you will have a job on the cabin job chart that will change every day. There’s always someone around to lend a hand if you need help.
What should I do if I'm upset about something?
Great question! There are so many people around for you to go to if you have a problem. You will have two or three counselors in your cabin to whom you can talk about pretty much anything, plus there’s your Group Leader, Division Head and Jane. All of these people are great at solving problems and they can help you with whatever’s on your mind.
Can I choose my bed in the cabin?
When you arrive at camp, all of your clothes will be unpacked and your bed will be made for you! You’ll let us know whether you like a top or bottom bunk.
Do I always have to wear the camp uniform?
We wear uniform every day at Bryn Mawr—yes, counselors too! It’s a great way to show our Green & Gold spirit. There are occasional special “optional” days, like movie nights and Carnival, when you will be able to wear non-uniform clothes.
What else should I bring (besides what's on the packing list)?
How about a special blanket and your favorite stuffed animal? You’ll probably want a few pictures of home, and jacks are always fun. If there’s anything special you need to perform in talent night or participate in a favorite activity (like music or tap shoes), it’s a good idea to bring it along. Other than that, the packing list pretty much has it all… oh, don’t forget to bring a great big smile!
Do we ever get to choose our own activities?
Sure! If you’re in Junior Camp, most of the day you’ll attend scheduled activities with your bunk, but several times a week you’ll have Hobby Hour, when you’ll be able to choose from a variety of different activities. You can also join a sports team, be in a play, perform in the dance ensemble, or write for the camp newspaper, The Poplar Post. Senior campers attend some activities with their cabins, but choose much of their schedule through our elective program. You can choose to participate in anything from volleyball to glass fusion and receive instruction with other girls around your age who share your interests.
Will I get to know girls who are older or younger than me?
You sure will. We have lots of all-camp events and we eat all together three times a day! Each junior camper will have a Peanut Mother, a senior girl who is like a big sister for the summer. She’ll help her Peanut Daughter learn about camp and what it means to be a Bryn Mawr Angel.